Tipologia di corso
Laurea triennale o Ciclo UnicoClasse di laurea
Medicina e chirurgia(LM-41)Ateneo universitario
Università degli Studi di NAPOLI "Federico II"Sede didattica
INGLESEModalità di accesso
Numero programmatoDurata
6 ANNITitolo per l'accesso
DiplomaArea disciplinare
Scienze medicheINSEGNAMENTI
- Clinical Psychology
- Clinical Psycology
- Gastroenterology
- General Surgery
- Clinical Pathology
- Clinical Psycology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Neuroradiology
- Plastic surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
- Cardiac Surgery
- Maxillo-facial Surgery
- Odontostomatolgy
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Audiology
- General Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Pediatric Neuropsychiatry
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Locomotor System Diseases
- Hygiene
- Basis of Clinical Medicine - II
- Clinical Microbiology
- Internal Medicine
- Infectious diseases
- Nephrology and Urology
- Informatics
- Respiratory Diseases
- Human Genetics
- Imaging Diagnostic and Radiotherapy
- Health Nursing Sciences
- Lab Medicine technologies
- Applied Biology
- Blood diseases
- Clinical Pathology
- General Surgery
- Clinical Microbiology
- Blood diseases
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Locomotor System Diseases
- Internal Medicine
- Hygiene
- Occupational Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Pharmacology
- Respiratory Diseases
- Bioethics/Forensic Medicine
- Scientific English
- Internal Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- General Surgery
- Molecular Biology
- Microbiology
- Internal Medicine
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Neurology
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious diseases
- Cutaneous and venereal diseases
- Ophthalmology
- Internal Medicine
- Pharmacology
- General Surgery
- Pathological Anatomy
- Forensic Medicine
- Rheumatology
- Hygiene
- Pathological Anatomy
- Medical Genetics
- Human Anatomy I
- Immunology
- Psychiatry
- Nephrology and Urology
- Anesthesiology
- Medical Oncology
- Endocrinology
- Medical Statistics
- Applied Biology
- Physics in Medicine
- General Physiopathology
- Medical Pharmacology and Toxicology I
- General Pediatric and subspecialities
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Pathological Anatomy and Histology I
- Imaging Diagnostic and Radiotherapy
- Human Histology and Embryology
- Physiology
- Chemistry and propedeutic Biochemistry
- General Pathology
- Internal Medicine
- General Surgery
- Human Anatomy II
- Human Physiology I
- Human Biochemistry
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