Tipologia di corso
Laurea triennale o Ciclo UnicoClasse di laurea
Medicina e chirurgia(LM-41)Ateneo universitario
Libera Università "Vita Salute S.Raffaele" MILANOSede didattica
INGLESEModalità di accesso
Numero programmatoDurata
6 ANNITitolo per l'accesso
DiplomaArea disciplinare
Scienze medicheINSEGNAMENTI
- Biomedical Imaging 3
- Medicine as a Human Endeavour 4
- Applied Medical Statistics 1
- Medicinal Chemistry and Biochemistry 4
- Applied Medical Statistics 3
- Medical approach to the patient: chronic care 3
- Surgical approach to the patient 1
- Surgical approach to the patient 6
- Pathologic Anatomy 2
- Medical Oncology 3
- Neurological Sciences 5
- Human Anatomy 3
- Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 6
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 8
- Head and Neck diseases 6
- Gastrointestinal Diseases 5
- Microbiology 2
- Medical Oncology 1
- Medical approach to the patient: chronic care 4
- Gastrointestinal Diseases 4
- Cardiovascular system diseases 2
- Surgical approach to the patient 7
- Gastrointestinal Diseases 2
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 5
- Integumentary system 4
- Respiratory system diseases 2
- Blood and Immune system diseases 2
- Cardiovascular system diseases 5
- Integumentary system 1
- Cardiovascular system diseases 4
- Head and Neck diseases 7
- Head and Neck diseases 8
- Head and Neck diseases 1
- Head and Neck diseases 3
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 3
- Head and Neck diseases 4
- Muscoloskeletal Diseases 2
- Gastrointestinal Diseases 6
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 8
- Cardiovascular system diseases 9
- Medical Oncology 4
- Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 3
- Children's health 4
- Children's health 6
- Surgical approach to the patient: acute care 3
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 1
- Surgical approach to the patient 5
- Integumentary system 3
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 9
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 2
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 7
- Surgical approach to the patient: acute care 2
- Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 2
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 9
- Surgical approach to the patient 8
- Public health, Global health & Legal medicine 3
- Public health, Global health & Legal medicine 5
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 10
- Children's health 2
- Public health, Global health & Legal medicine 2
- Blood and Immune system diseases 5
- Cardiovascular system diseases 3
- Gastrointestinal Diseases 3
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 4
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 6
- Medical approach to the patient: Infectious Diseases 1
- Surgical approach to the patient: acute care 1
- Cardiovascular system diseases 6
- Surgical approach to the patient 4
- Cardiovascular system diseases 7
- Head and Neck diseases 2
- Respiratory system diseases 3
- Head and Neck diseases 5
- Integumentary system 2
- Medical Physics 2
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 10
- Cardiovascular system diseases 8
- Surgical approach to the patient 3
- Children's health 3
- Public health, Global health & Legal medicine 4
- Children's health 5
- Medicine as a Human Endeavour 5
- Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 5
- Basic medical statistics 3
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 6
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 4
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 7
- Medicine as a Human Endeavour 6
- Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 4
- Public health, Global health & Legal medicine 6
- Medicine as a Human Endeavour 3
- Basic medical statistics 2
- Basic medical statistics 4
- Basic medical statistics 5
- Basic medical statistics 1
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 1
- Respiratory system diseases 1
- Gastrointestinal Diseases 1
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 2
- Endocrine and kidney diseases 5
- Clinical Laboratory Medicine 2
- Blood and Immune system diseases 3
- Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 1
- Principles of pharmacology 2
- Muscoloskeletal Diseases 1
- Human Anatomy 2
- Blood and Immune system diseases 6
- Womens' health 2
- Public health, Global health & Legal medicine 1
- Biomedical Imaging 2
- Medical Oncology 2
- Medical approach to the patient: acute care 3
- Neurological Sciences 4
- Medicine as a Human Endeavour 1
- Medicine as a Human Endeavour 2
- Medicinal Chemistry and Biochemistry 1
- Medical genetics 3
- Applied Medical Statistics 2
- Medical genetics 1
- Blood and Immune system diseases 4
- Medical approach to the patient: chronic care 2
- Medical approach to the patient: Infectious Diseases 2
- Neurological Sciences 3
- Children's health 1
- Womens' health 1
- Medical genetics 2
- Basic Mechanisms of Diseases 2
- Surgical approach to the patient 2
- Medical Physics 1
- Molecular cell biology 1
- Microbiology 1
- Cardiovascular system diseases 1
- Blood and Immune system diseases 1
- Neurological Sciences 2
- Biomedical Imaging 1
- Medical approach to the patient: chronic care 1
- Molecular cell biology 2
- Basic Mechanisms of Diseases 1
- Pathologic Anatomy 1
- Human Histology
- Principles of pharmacology 1
- Medicinal Chemistry and Biochemistry 2
- Physiology
- Human Anatomy 1
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